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JANNABI's Small Pieces II: GRIPPIN'THEGREEN interview with Melon


Q.If you were to describe the album in a sentence?

It's an album made at home, in the evening, while staring out the window idly without much thought. I hope those who listen to it enjoy it like that as well. 

Q.The reason you made such an album?

I wanted to try it once. It's the case with all other albums but even moreso with this, I wrote songs for myself. I really worked on the 3rd album that was released last July intensively. I pretended like it didn't happen but the aftermath really hit me hard, I think the way to recover is starting to work on a new project. So I thought this time let me just make an "in any case good" album!

Q.What was the process like?

it flowed smoothly. The songs were made in a blink of an eye and the lyrics were also written quickly. I usually write lyrics sitting on my desk but this time it was written lazing around lying on the mat or bed. If I get deep thoughts I just shake it off and watch Bonbono or funny videos while doing nothing at all. Took the same approach with composition and arrangement as well.

Q.Your favorite track?

I like every track. If I were to pick one it'd be the first track 'LADYBIRD'. Songs never come out the way you intend them to. but this song! came out just as I intended. Even the lyrics came out exactly as I planned. I always wanted to write such a love song you see. I wanted to make music that captured the moment and it came out just as I planned.

Q.What kind of song is the title track?

It has the kind of relaxing thoughts you'd get lying under a sunny day in May at a park next to your place. And as always its a song about youth. And I think the influence I get from musicians I like such as Elton John, Vladimir Cosma and others shows well in this song so its fun and I really like this track as well.

Q.Do you like it in general?

Despite the lack of connection between all 4 tracks, the arrangement of every song alone makes me think that it adds persuasion to my words. I didn't intend for it but the fact that it is seen this way means that I've poured my sincere feeling into it of some sort. And here's when the fun part of making an album comes in,. It's a compilation of songs that provide a breath of fresh air so it's an album I'm very much pleased with.

Q. How do you want it to be perceived?

I hope that my feelings when I was making the album will be reflected just as it. I hope that it would take away the worries from our fans and they can enjoy it easily without any discomfort. 


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